Tuesday 13 January 2015

4th December 2014 character development presentation

Initial sketches
This section shows the initials I incorporated to produce ideas of how I want my character Margaret to look like, mainly to show off her vicious personality and show off her false exterior of thinking she is beautiful whereas she is actually ugly.

Head and Feature shapes
This slide shows the initial steps I had to produce to make my character more appealing, mainly shapes on eyes, mouth and head shapes. When I chose the right features and shapes, I experimented with facial expressions and poses to see if the features are suited and grounded to what my character should look like.
Body Shapes and General poses
This slide displays my experimentation of producing different body shapes to suit best for the personality I want for Margaret. Once I've chosen the best shape I further experimented with how the shape can do well with different poses.

Character Sheets and Turn Around sheets
This slide shows sketches of a turn around sheet which is comprised from different angles to get a full picture and perspective of the character. The other sheet of drawings display the sort of personality and characteristics she would normally display on screen to show what can see do when being portrayed with other characters and other setting she would be in.

Marquette Model
This slide shows the production stages of how I did the main figure of my character through a 3D modelling perspective through using plasticine modelling clay and carving equipment to produce all the shapes right before putting in the detail. For the face I simply created skull to easily stabilize the features especially when creating the cheek bones and eye sockets to look like a female face when the full head is produced. What these images also show is that I used simple equipment of pencils to wrap the material around to stabilise the shape when all parts are put together to avoid collapsing.

Concept Art
This last slide shows intitial concept arts I've produced to get an overall feel and visual development of the character mainly through colour schemes, styles, refining the detail and developing it through different perspectives to show characteristics and personality.

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