Tuesday 12 April 2016

6DM022, 6DM012: week 20 (4th-11th April 2016)

After showing the progress in my final film, the feedback I gained was mostly positive to how far I come into producing the film the previous two week. But they did mention that some of the improvements I would need to make for a clear display of what is happening is changing the colour scheme to lighter tones so its clear to portray on screen and other screenings if shown in festivals and competitions. Another improvement they would like to see is change some of the speed to make it more fluid and improve the pacing. What they did like about the film is how the action is coming together and how the characters have better characteristics in personality like the mother in improving her attitude in being comforting and sincere.

Below shows the continued improvements I made towards with over 3000 out of 4212 frames completed within animating the lineart but I will side-line the music and sound effects till after the drawn characters are done. The next step I will take is keeping to schedule to get the main animation done before adding the colour schemes, cleaning up dynamic scenes from feedback over the course of each meeting and editing to make the film's scenarios better in terms of camera angles, adding a better soundtrack and sound effects; extra visual effects if necessary and title sequence/credits.

prey 11th april update from matthew danks on Vimeo.
I wanted to show the animation main aspects of character movement and interaction to get a better angle of showcasing my improvements but also I skipped out any colour background improvements I made because I wanted them to be shown on a future exported clip.

Also below showcases an improved schedule of moving forward in the project both online and wall schedule timetables.
Wall Schedule
Online schedule

I also started to make some changes and notes on the storyboards to show what I have made progress on with colour indications of where each stage is going. These are shown through colour stickers. These include.
  • rough sketch (BLUE)
  • Lineart (GREEN)
  • clean up (YELLOW)
  • edited (RED
For the most part I have done the rough sketch outs when doing the animatic and the lineart will be done on schedule before conducting the last stages of this animation

One last thing I did before the week's end is produce a better synopsis for the film to send to fellow student cherai Douglas who is helping to organize the degree show which is the same for everybody else's films in progress. She has also asked everyone to do a promotional poster to our films which has been put on schedule for deadline in week 11. My plan for this is to start one sometime in the 9th week maybe on a Friday if I plan to have most of the animation finished aswell as keeping on track with the portfolio before hand.
The next stage is to begin my press kit since it would be easy to gain screenshots from finished footage to showcase the story without giving too much of the plot away.
Below shows the description of 'The Prey' synopsis.

The Prey.
In this short film, a boy on his 13th birthday living in a distant and secluded  apartment block feels he wants to do something better on this celebration and escape his mother’s extravagant yet uninteresting ways of celebrating. Yet in her efforts and warnings of danger outside, he continues venturing forth into the night. But he soon realises he should have listened to his mother’s warning as dark beings start crawling out of the shadows and make the boy their next prey.

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