Tuesday 24 February 2015

5DM031: week 3 & 4:(17th Feb- 3rd March) mask production stage

This post shows the first two week of the production stage into the mask making. This includes casting on my face with mod rock which took only around 20 minutes to do and then filling in the vital shapes and monster features with modelling clay.

Once the shape of skull is created for the grim reaper theme, the next stage was to place it with the scrunched up paper underneath it that helped shape the mask earlier, into a cardboard box. Which would then be filled with plaster cast material. But before that, it become useful to use another material of paper to strengthen the mask's hold onto the cast before filling it to the top.

This then dries into a flat surface from a water base to a solid base. This would in turn be re-casted again when the clay shape has imprinted the skull on the other side of the cast and when the cast is completely solid dry.

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