Wednesday 25 February 2015

5DM034:week 4: mailing letter animation and production stage

Taken from the vid reference and the help of the thumbnail sketches shown on a previous post, I have managed to produce a rough overdraft of a mailing letter animation in Maya but using the personality and movement of a male drug dealer.

The vid below shows the finished animation but would need to be edited and maybe changed as I would want to take on filming more footage from the plan and producing more accurate thumbnail sketches/ line of action in terms of movement to get a better sense of the character.
In my view, this needs improvements upon the leg work/walk cycle as I feel it's too static and also work on the features around the face as they need to show the emotional backdrop of the scenario to present what sort of character he is like. I also would like to present this off better by testing it in different camera angles.

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