Monday 9 May 2016

6DM022, 6DM012: week 24 & 25 (2nd- 13th May 2016)

Final version of film
'The Prey' from matthew danks on Vimeo.

This film is password protected since this is not allowed to be shown to the public yet others with knowledge of what the password is can access it.

From the comment, they enjoyed how far I came towards the amount of length I produced the film in the end result. A couple of points they did make when carrying this on for the degree show included:
  • Continuing the edit as it's not fully clean yet, such as vocal edits and sound effects as it is not fully clear when linking it back to the theme of horror.
  • Change the credits aswell as adding Wolverhampton university logo at the end to indicate where this was made.
The next step forward is setting up the degree show as this would include having a display towards the theme of film; a cleaner final edit of the film; business cards that would help in networking with visitors and professional guests who will come in to see the film.

final wall schedule and last storyboard progression update

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