What I did was a quick research on the female structure aswell as beginning some life drawings to re-practice this approach.
To gain the sources I use the YouTube Channel 'New Masters Academy' to practice figure drawing aswell as other useful techniques if I needed to revisit them. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCliUF1c8m7MUspaCykJljSg
As I was doing the task I also started out sketching out potential and better figure structures for the female character. Then I started to improve the anatomy body parts that would need to be changed to get a better outcome. I also practiced basic poses based on improved ideas with the unchanged head
design since the main problem was the body as it would be too difficult to animate.
The next step is sketching out the complete design character plan in different poses for improved look on characteristics and personality aswell as creating a final concept art. I also want start creating the initial backgrounds for the animations itself aswell as creating more tests based on the initial animatic scenes. Another thing I want to start is cutting actions and scenes out of the animatic to improve pacing problems without losing the plot structure.
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