Friday, 31 October 2014

Handsome jack (4th favourite)

As part of my character development, I have chosen another to inspire from to further research into my character scripts.

The character is Handsome Jack from the borderlands video game series. 
In the second borderlands game, he was the central antagonist to the plot, playing the role as the president of the Hyperion corporation who dealt with mining, manufacturing and technological advancements. But he took the corporation in a new direction when he took complete control of the savage world of pandora, believing himself to be a monarch in a chaotic planet but in truth he is just as dangerous, deceptive and psychotic as the bloodthirsty residents of pandora.
In the pre-sequel, taking place before the events of the second main game, his backstory reveals how jack started out as a minor technician for the company. He was viewed by the main cast as a hero prepared to sacrifice himself to save the planet's moon, Elpis and the Hyperion's orbital moon base, Helios from a rival company's invading army and hunting an alien vault with contracted vault hunters. But behind that is a manipulative, calculating, deceptive, cruel and ambitious man who would do anything to get what he wants. 
What I like about his character is the way how he manipulated and murdered his way into power, how he used people like his daughter from a young age to do his dirty work, how he instigated events to fit his satisfaction, using sarcastic and humorous facade of a personality to cover up for his arrogant and pathological instincts to kill and torture to become a god. And how much he can change into a complete maniac when he was scarred which explains the mask he wears in the second game giving himself the name 'handsome jack'; denied what he thinks that's rightfully his and driven mad with vengeance against those who stopped his plans and driven those he believed he loved away from him. 

In my personal opinion, jack is what the main cast could become if they overcome to corruption, compelled with revenge from loss and becoming what they fear and what they have been fighting against all this time. An example of this is how jack hated criminals, thieve and bandits on the planet through a bad history with them but through the events, he is far worse than them through his cruel brutality, deluded personality and fear campaign against those who oppress his rule.

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