Wednesday, 21 October 2015

6DM016: Week 1 (13th-19th october): introduction

For the professional animation project is being able to create and provide a professional and informative animation from the choice of two different clients. One being the university of Wolverhampton represented by our animation lecturer, Emily Mantell and the RSA school of arts. The aim of the two briefs given is to provide ways of making them understand the way the company works and what they can provide for people who want to join the courses they offer.
These include a 20 second animation based on advertising the client's company logo and the other where it can be a documentary type animation informing the user on the clients company offers.

As part of the planning stage, my first aim is to research the client to make sure that the information I present is accurate and informative to the client's brief.

For the first week as part of the introduction, the whole class had to create some of ideas on how they would present the logo of the company we are going to produce for and also how we would inform the public about the education of the company. One of our main inspirations of how to produce this project is how 3rd years from last year created their logo and client advertising for the BFI films industry for the their showreel using art styles they used to simply present logo.

For meeting the brief on time we all decided to work in pairs or groups so this would help with working as a team and preparing for the wider world if we would work into companies that requires some forms of team building skills and collaborative thinking. For the quick 30 minute task,I worked with fellow student/colleague Andrew Taylor to create logo presentation ideas for the Wolverhampton university client.
Below shows a list of the ideas we came up with that could reflect and draw back the client:
1. Look at the progress of being in the animation course given from personal experience of what it like which enables the user/viewer understand what is to come if they choose the course. This would be shown through the first year being the developing stage; the second year being the one to express yourself; then the final year being the one to prepare for the creative industry.
2. flip book/sketch pad styled logo presentation
3. film strip presenting the success of animation through previous years final animation projects, ads and showreels to show the outcome of success in this course with quick showcasing of  artistic elements, influences and developments involved as examples before the logo appears.
4. a day and night cycle showcasing the simple but visually informative examples of life at Wolverhampton university which links back to the clients brief.

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