Wednesday, 25 November 2015

6DM022- week 3-6 (29th october- 25th november) research and practice

Essay notes
referencing websites and books
This section shows examples of how to reference books and websites for the bibliography when researching for the topics I need for inspiring my essay

Robert Kirkmann interview

Brown,L. (2010) The Walking Dead Author Robert Kirkman on His AMC Show, Plus the Worst Idea for a Dead Movie He's Ever Been Pitched. [online]. [Accessed 29th October 2015]. Avaliable at: <> 

FABLES: THE WOLF AMONG US Writers Tackle Comic Adaptation of Game Adaptation of Comic                                                                  

Pitts, L (2014) Fables: The Wolf Among Us Writers Tackle Comic Adaptation of Game Adaptation of Comic. [online].  [Accessed 29th October 2015]. Avaliable at: <

comic adaptations

 books in motion: Adaptation, intertextuality, authorship:

list of suggestions
title suggestions:
the art of adaptation
The possibility of creating the right formula for horror 
How to create the perfect genre in animation and other mediums
(Creating genre elements for animation and other productions)

Essay structure
Title: Creating genre elements for animation and other productions

This will have a description on what I will undertake and discuss in my argument how to create the perfect elements to get the full package of the genre that I would go into for film and other mediums.

Paragraph 1:
·         Adaptation of material or elements of certain material and finding the right source that would appeal to the target audience

Paragraph 2
·         The art and look it would need to get the full feel of the theme and makes it easy for audience to get the entire knowledge and enjoy ability of the production.

Paragraph 3
·         The music that helps with presenting the feel, vibe and tension of the outcome which can include the sense of chill and discomfort that envisions people to think that there might be something around the corner.

Paragraph 4
·         The look into Silent film techniques as part of the approach I want to take for my final film idea.

Linking back all the sections topics into the introduction to summarize what I am justifying in this essay. 

Books in use
Since my final film will have horror elements from adapted material I decided from the suggestion of my lecturer that I look into genre as my main subject particularly books that are written by Paul Wells that look into genre. Aswell as that I would look at books that focus on literature elements and adapting horror to screen in the right way as some elements like using vampires or werewolves are overused but still commercially and critically successful.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

6DM016- week 7 (24th- 31st November 2015) : Wolverhampton promotion project (3)

Animation tests (2)
These images were drawn by my colleague Andrew in preparation for how the main key frames will go for movement within the animation test of the anatomy figure.

This video below is an animation test of how the anatomy figure would come alive in the animation but this isn't the final look as would be added with colour; finished frames and borders based on the Wolverhampton university shapes from the website. This was done on tv paint and was based on the movements influenced by the drawing from my fellow colleague.

This video shows the animatic that displays what the promotion will involve in terms of scenes; camera directions, characters and objects that will link to the subject matter as part of the brief. But this version isn't edited as it is a rough up to get all the scenes I sketched out into a clip to see what it looks like on screen. Therefore I will show the show the edited version that andrew quickly did on a future post.

Mock Presentation/Production meeting(feedback)
Since marketing is coming to the promotion on the 31st, it was good to get some feedback from our peers to see what needs to be changed. For the most part they understood the concept of progression in animation but felt that the anatomy character design needed to change from a design aspect and the Ash kidd and Margaret characters need to be ditched entirely as they felt out of place and people felt that they had nothing else to do in the promotion video. They also felt that the animatic needed to cleaned up to fully understand all the scenes can understood and cut down because there was too much going on. What they loved most of the playing around with the logo and shapes from the website and the anatomy character is used to its full potential aswell as the use of wording in bold letters that describe this course as this video would be describe through visuals not speeches. 
Anatomy Character Design
From the given feedback and skipping out characters that didn't suit the scenario, we decided to change the design to keep simple fit into the time scale of sketching it out to animate.
The sheet below shows the final look we both drew with established figure design, gestures/movements and the basic colours to go with to be seen in front of the background.

Friday, 20 November 2015

6DM016- week 6 & 7 (17th- 24th november 2015) : wolverhampton promotion project (2)

From the feedback given in the production meeting by fellow colleagues and our lecturer, we took on board in improving our storyboard again and figuring at the same time the techniques we can use to simplify our work load when this goes into full production over the next half of this module.

What they enjoyed and thought that could work for the animation is how the logo animates for the university as the clients would love seeing that sort of thing; the music worked with the tests we showed as would suit the promotion and they liked the ideas of the figure coming to life from a developed stage from basic gesture lines to figurines. 

The only thing they criticized was that the structure was slightly a mess with what to use especially when testing drawing in camera techniques aswell as visual effects and 2d methods like tv paint and how to fit it together in the short duration of the animation time given. Since they felt that the draw in camera techniques felt out of place to the rest of the theme, we decided that as it was a only a test anyway to try out different approaches.

So our plan in motion for the presenting to the client on the 24th November includes...

  • Final and improved storyboard
  • Concept art
  • animatic
  • Descriptions of techniques and methods
  • concept/ Theme of promotion 
  • Sound tests/ visual effect tests/ 2d animation tests
Some of these are covered which will be told in the next parts of post.
Also as given by my fellow colleague, the sound we would mainly use since it would suit the animation is the music track 'The Dice are Thrown' as people liked how suited what we displayed for test runs in the production meeting. 

Updated Storyboard:
Here shows an updated version of the promoted animation helped by the improvements made by feedback from production meetings. If you noticed from the previous design some scenes have been either drastically changed or erased completely to make the techniques simple to do and make it clear to what we really want to promote in this animation
Here are the descriptions below this image if you can't see the writing. 
  •  1. For the beginning, the Wolverhampton university logo will fade into the screen whilst the diamond shapes from the university website will animate in different directions and timing sequences. To see the visuals happening, each diamond will have shades of blue colours and will be created in after effects. 
  • 2.       For the second scene, the same background effects will continue but it will feature the circle shapes and using shades of purple to come alive. The only difference to feature is the word ‘Animation’ above the screen to show this promotion is talking about and also have Andrew Taylor’s Ash Kidd character comes out of the white circle and bounce on some of the animated circles until he disappears off the screen.
  • 3.       As the last circle expands out of the screen but still keeping a boarder around the animation, the next shot is the developing skills part where it visually shows process of sketching out figures from gesture, stick figure, filling the shapes and then detail. Then the words ‘Developing Skills’ slides on to the screen.
  • 4.       As the figure runs across the screen, he comes across Matthew Danks’ character Margaret in large size appearing on the screen. She follows where the figure is going with head turns whilst showing off her personality through facial expressions. She then builds a speech bubble that covers half the screen and says in bold letters ‘creative thinking and Imagination.’
  • 5.       As the figure runs he stops and comes across a large computer where ash Kidd appears on top and points to the white dot in the middle and words start to come out of the screen. A little side note, all the drawings will be created using 2d techniques.
  • 6.       This next scene shows the figure avoiding the words coming at him but they will end up appearing and sticking on the right side of the screen to show the final stage in this course and telling the audience they would learn different software given the computer appearing on the previous scene.
  • 7.       This shot will consist the title ‘paths and opportunities’ popping up on the screen behind the now shocked figure. Then words of different animation jobs will crowd the screen as the figure the figure is stopping them as he can’t escape.
  • 8.       The second to last scene will have the crowded words explode, flying the figure off the screen screaming whilst the phrase ‘The Possibilities are Endless’ appears in the middle of the screen to show animation can open a lot of doors.
  • 9.       The last scene goes back to the university shapes coming to life with the diamond and have Enrollment information fade on with the phrase ‘To Enroll, find us at..’ then have small print contact information at the bottom whilst the university logo appears on the top left corner.

   Previous potential Tests (1)
Here a small test on a technique that we looked at but decided not to use in the end to create to produce the promotion as this would be too much to do and it would add the amount of techniques to approach. From this mistake we decided to use only two techniques of visual effects and 2D drawing.

Concept Art:

This is one of the first concept art I've conducted for this animation but this might change because there could be feedback from peers saying that they might not like the character use or that colour schemes could be improved.

   Animation tests:

For this test I created an 2D animation test of anatomy figure coming alive created on tv paint with a basic run through of how he will move in general which will be cleaned in the near future before the main presentation with finished shape formation; detail; testing what colour he will be in and placing colour shaped boarders around the screen to keep with the university theme.

 Here below shows a test on how the visual effects will be created with the university theme and shapes which has been created by my colleague Andrew Taylor.

6DM016- week 4 & 5 (3rd- 17th november 2015) : wolverhampton promotion project (1)

For our professional project me and my fellow colleague Andrew Taylor have been doing more advanced storyboards for creating an advert based around the chosen client, university of Wolverhampton.

words to describe the learning experience of animation (since it be text based we would need to be able display words and descriptions that clearly specify the course's nature.
  • development
  • being about to work independently 
  • versatile
  • self expression
  • learning new software
  • creative thinking and imagination

small test of logo
This is a small test of what Andrew did with the university logo and shapes in After Effects.

music selections and tests

All sounds are found on this site:

Zest -
Zest by basematic (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: urmymuse 

the dice are thrown -
the dice are thrown by My Free Mickey (c) 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: the dice

Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) -
Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Morusque, Jeris, CSoul, Alex Beroza

Spinnin' -
Spinnin' by Alex (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: spinningmerkaba

Drops of H2O ( The Filtered Water Treatment ) -
Drops of H2O ( The Filtered Water Treatment ) by J.Lang (c) 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: Airtone

Route 17
Route 17 by djolliej (c) 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. 

260809 Funky Nurykabe
260809 Funky Nurykabe by spinningmerkaba (c) 2010 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. 

WHEN THE SKY TURNS BLUE by BOCrew (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: THEDEEPR / THE CORNER

quicksilverscreensaver by septahelix (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike  (3.0) license. 

Rise Up To Heaven (Instrumental) - 
Rise Up To Heaven (Instrumental) by spinningmerkaba (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike  (3.0) license. Ft: Fireproof_Babies
(might use on show reel)

New York City (Instrumental)New York City (Instrumental) by spinningmerkaba (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. 

Metronomix - 
Metronomix by CSoul (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. Ft: spinningmerkeba,Jeris,morusque

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

life drawing sessions and independent studies (4)

I thought to concentrate on portraiture sketches to get better at facial skills in preparation for producing better results for my character development.
I also continued with the figurative drawing but in this instance, not only did I sketch the body shapes and proportions but also started to fill in the detail once the figure is drawn out.

6DM015: pre-production work (2)

This is rough sequencing of the scenes that will take place in the story. This also gives me the chance to think how to place the shot especially when positioning the camera angles to make the scenes, scenarios and characters more engaging.

Current work space for my final film idea and also work for the professional project that I am doing with Andrew Taylor. This includes storyboards of past and current structuring from both projects and a sheet of concept art of sketches to the setting with the final film.

concept art 
 designed some basic concept for the way the film will proceed in terms of the look of the setting including how dark I can make this, the colour schemes I would use to produce the vibe and tension I want and how some of the characters would come about on the screen.

This outcome of the ghouls entrance to the streets was created on Adobe Photoshop using a drawing tablet with the addition of adding layers to make it easy to not go over the drawings of objects and layout when applying colour. The main aspect I wanted for reflect the horror theme is using dark colours with a fair percentage of lighting to see the full image. I also used blending tools to add shadow and smoke effects with the help of changing the paint brush tool. What I also did is change the smoke effects opacity to blur it out to a certain extent so people can see the image better but still have the mist/fog effects.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

6DM015- week 4-5 (5th- 18th november 2015) pre-production work

Ghoul character development 
This shows the development stage on creating the antagonists of the short film.