Wednesday, 13 May 2015

5DM034: reflection and maya outcomes

This post shows other files that were relevant to the final showreel on the previous post.
The first vid shows the lip sync from the faceCam I set up.

The second is the drunk scene on its own in its final stage 
the last one is the final staged scene for the suspicious phone call before being placed onto the showreel
My overall reflection  on this module has given me more practice in the mechanics of using maya and different rigs which in my opinion, Norman is the best one to use for accomplishing facial expressions. The feedback from my lecturer and fellow students included giving some pause to some of the movements as it feel to quick and some movements could be more faster to acknowledge the emotional and action states particularly in the drunk scene's starting point. But overall I am happy the way it is at this point but I will take note and use these improvements at a later stage if I use this in my three years at uni showreel to show my experience at animating. The best points of my work from others was the lip sync and the separate movements I contributed to the rig once in auto tangent as some parts ran on separate frames. 

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