Monday, 14 March 2016

6AD001: week 2-6: (9th feb-11th march) part 2

As the course went on we started to learn what is important when creating a CV and an action plan for our portfolio.
Also as part of promoting what we can do in the market, I decided to start up a Facebook page on my university work and other art related activities that will be updated across each month. The intention of this process is to gain follows from anybody that interested in looking at my work from new followers to friends and family aswell as getting noticed by people who work for animation or other types of art related communities whether they are directors, producers, freelance artists or other type of employee.
The link for the page is down below.

What I also did whilst continuing to research the role I want in future is to make a rough action plan of the current situation paragraph to get a starting point for writing this portfolio.

Here is rough copy of the paragraph:

Personal Action plan

Current situation:
Throughout my entire education within secondary school, sixth form and university I have taken on a wide variety of skills and knowledge that has persevered what I wanted to gain out of life. From these experiences, what I deem most important that shows what I can do include having a range of artistic media skills and knowledge that can be perfect for trying something new in animation aswell as other film productions I would conduct in future practices; open mind and quick learner of software that would conduct its main aspects of editing, creating music and digital art; and advanced sketching and drawing skills that has developed more frequently and better as time went on at university through constant practice and using this skill as my main technique within the most modules in my studies.

For the CV what we learned included:
  •  The experiences have to chronological order to help indicate when what experience came first and what was the latest.
  • listed skills that been gained from these experiences which can be relevant to the targeted profession and company I would like to conduct researching and apply for.
  • The listed application information has be academic which can take normally up to two sides of paper.
  • The listed information would include contact details, skills, qualities, project work, work experience as key to selling myself to companies I would want to apply for. These would be apart of a career objective statement.
  • Other information would involve contact information list of professional emails, addresses, interests that relate towards the job application and online profiles such as facebook and blogs so they have another way to check out the work I've conducted.
  • I would also have to include references to prove this information is correct.
  • descriptions of qualifications, education, achievements and work which would also include dates in reverse order, where and what I studied.
  • Descriptions of current and previous employments I have had over the years.
  • The additional sections can contain such relevant content such as research, funding awards such as the type of competitions I been involved in whilst educating for animation and other publications.
  • Use effective grammar and punctuation aswell as present the information in an accurate, uncluttered manner and have the same sort of text font the same throughout. The main professional fonts would generally include Arial or Calibri.
  • links to how to create a CV:

The next post I will conduct will show key points to creating the portfolio aswell as a start up to the CV and continuing the portfolio

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