Tuesday, 12 January 2016

6DM016: week 12 (12th January 2016) final product, feedback and personal reflection

This blog post shows the final edit of the promotion including the sound effects, digital effects and music. As me and Andrew finished clean up as he felt some parts of the animation was abit messy, editing was put together by Andrew and as we were gaining each other's opinion on if we were happy with the final product we decided to experiment with trying this animation out with different music tracks collected when researching the project. When we presented the final product to our peers, lecturer and marketing, Emily mantel suggested as we showed her another audio track on the animation is to have a multiple clips of the same animation but with different music to get everyone else's opinion in what works best.

Below shows the first version with the original sound we played with for contribute to the animation.
Here also is the link to video on vimeo: https://vimeo.com/151421420
Music Credits:
Metronomix -
Metronomix by CSoul (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. ccmixter.org/files/CSoul/33157 Ft: spinningmerkeba,Jeris,morusque
-Sound Effects:
Recorded by Mike Koenig (soundbible.com) License: Attribution 3.0
andre.rocha.nascimento (freesound.org/people/andre.rocha.nascimento/sounds/51460/)
Goldy-sama (freesound.org/people/Goldy-sama/sounds/4239/)

the second version: https://vimeo.com/151421421
Music Credits
Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) - dig.ccmixter.org/files/jlbrock44/33345
Urbana-Metronica (wooh-yeah mix) by spinningmerkaba (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. ccmixter.org/files/jlbrock44/33345 Ft: Morusque, Jeris, CSoul, Alex Beroza

-Sound Effects:
Recorded by Mike Koenig (soundbible.com) License: Attribution 3.0
andre.rocha.nascimento (freesound.org/people/andre.rocha.nascimento/sounds/51460/)
Goldy-sama (freesound.org/people/Goldy-sama/sounds/4239/)

The third version: https://vimeo.com/151421422
Music Credits
New York City (Instrumental)New York City (Instrumental) by spinningmerkaba (c) 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license. ccmixter.org/files/jlbrock44/30389
-Sound Effects:
Recorded by Mike Koenig (soundbible.com) License: Attribution 3.0
andre.rocha.nascimento (freesound.org/people/andre.rocha.nascimento/sounds/51460/)
Goldy-sama (freesound.org/people/Goldy-sama/sounds/4239/)
To give it a different concept, Andrew decided to base on when experiencing animation, there are always obstacles in the way given the letters and things that pull back like lack of skill or you always have to develop more to get better but in the end your always able to push forward.

From the given feedback, marketing and our fellow peers loved how it links back to the research and Wolverhampton brief. Marketing felt it's a big change to the previous presentation as they've said it has improved in terms of colour use as they would recognise it straight away from the use of Wolverhampton's two main colours and they've acknowledged that it would be something they would use for marketing purposes. As we shows the three clips, majority of the room decided that the second one with the track urbana metronica was the best. But some felt the third added tension to the animation.
Aswell as positive feedback, the only two things they would like us to change after the module if we revisited this was change certain sound effects as they felt it was out of place and some of the lettering in the end credits would need changing to have all words look the same.

For my personal favourite, the second soundtrack fit better with the animation and sound effects and Andrew's is the third clip.
As a personal reflection, I feel happy with the overall product as we were able to work together for a long period of time than the last time we worked together, being able to gain additional and useful feedback to improve the professional manner of this product to aim at Wolverhampton clients and also being able to formulate a plan to get both of us to take on different job roles and contribute an even amount of work towards the final edit.

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