Monday 11 January 2016

professional project: (christmas week 1 & 2: 20th december 2015 -2nd january 2016) schedule and creating line art, colour for characters

Over the Christmas period as I was animating the 2nd scene to the animation whilst my team partner Andrew Taylor clean up mine, I focused on creating the final drawing outline to what the character would look like based on design work we envisioned for the character aswell as add a particular but simply warm and cold colour scheme before making the clean up.

Below shows the second scene with clean outlines of what the anatomy would look like for character based on design work. One of my main thought processes I had to come up with when taking on this task is to skip animating the face as I felt it doesn't have a purpose to the promotion as I wanted the body language to express the emotion in this character and acknowledge to the viewers that these traits can make animation look fun as reflected from client feedback.

The second exported clip show the use of colour with inclusion of shading to make him standout in front of the purple background, letters and creature chasing him when he's interacting with the letters.

Below is the schedule that me and Andrew planned to envision what needs to be done in terms of creating a professional project and linking it back to the requirements of the client brief.
 professional project week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5
 Ideas based on Wolverhampton client      
 mind map      
 concept art and designing           
 2D animation on TV paint
 clean up           
 editing with sound and digital effects    

 professional project week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10
 Ideas based on Wolverhampton client    
 mind map
 concept art and designing           
 2D animation on TV paint  
 clean up           
 editing with sound and digital effects    

 professional project Christmas week 1 xmas week 2 week 11 week 12
 Ideas based on Wolverhampton client
 mind map
 concept art and designing         
 2D animation on TV paint        
 clean up         
 editing with sound and digital effects    

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