Saturday 14 March 2015

5DM031: workflow of cyclops puppet

As we have changed the brief, I still would like to use the idea of my puppet to composite with another form of art used in film. As it is a Cyclops, I decided to do some design changes to explore the options I wanted to make my own version of this mythological creature.

The images presented below show the original sketches I produced taken from internet imaging references.

The next image shows another design of the creature's body aswell as showing a little taster in how it should pose. But taken from my learning workflow of character development, I felt this wasn't enough to flesh out what could work best for the character aswell as how it could be suitable for the becoming a puppet.
These next set of images show a pipeline of redesigning this character.
First, I sketched out possible shapes for the body.

Once the figurine shape was chosen within the type of posture I am looking for, the second thing I did was to redesign the body parts in simple shapes then fill the details to show how each one would be simply produced and detailed. Once each part of perfectly chosen, the next step is to see all parts in a full figure and to see the creature create gestures. These design process included the head, face, arms, torso and legs.

More sketches of my workflow in gestures sketches and designs in a future post.



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