Thursday 19 March 2015

5DM034: (week 6 & 7) animating 3d rig eyes (1)

As part of our next understanding into maya, we started to look at how the eyes of 3D rigs are the fundamental controls to describe characters and how it creates the soul of the character, describing the emotions. This was done in week 6 lecture (11th march.) When filming, I chosen the reactions of annoyed and suspicious, both whilst making a phone call. The best one I used from my lecturer's opinion and mine is the suspicious as it shows a mix of quick eye and body movements. Above I did some thumbnail sketches to get an understanding of the movement on paper.

Below is playblast of the rig that has worked on eyes through the block passing process of key poses. But this will be improved in terms of putting in the other movements based on my recorded reference.

As this was presented in front my fellow classmates and my lecturer on week 7 (18th march), they gave the strong opinion of starting to do the in between movements to get the full aspect of what this action is. Also as this is being improved, it will be part of my final 3D productions show reel.

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